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Culture Days Showcase

  • 4810 50th Avenue 4810 50th Ave Leduc, AB, T9E 6X9 Canada (map)

As part of the Downtown District in Leduc, AB. we are excited to be a part of Culture Days Showcase by hosting:

  • 1 - 3 PM - Flag Making + Colouring Activities with Shawn, LGBTQIA2+ Representative

  • 1:30 - 2:30 PM - Come explore the fascinating history of Leduc with local author Tom Dursa! This is your chance to learn about the stories that shaped our community, along with the unique perspectives of our local history. Tom will be in the StartUp Meeting Room. He will also have some books for sale.

For more details on Culture Days Showcase, visit:

September 18

Ayurveda 101: Building Blocks - Part 1

September 25

Ayurveda 101: The Basics of Ayurvedic Nutrition - Part 2